This Chicago-set sitcom follows the intertwined lives of six young urbanites trying to learn the ropes of adulthood. Through breakups and whatever other curve-balls life throws them, the pals stick together. A raucous comedy about six dysfunctional thirty-something friends living in Chicago: shop owner Alex and her ex-fiance, Dave, who runs a food truck; crazy-in-love husband and wife duo Brad and Jane; Max, their perpetually unemployed friend, and singleton Penny, always in pursuit of the right guy.Ver Happy Endings Película gratuita en línea Descargar
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360p | GD2 | CU | GD1 | ZS | RC |
480p | GD2 | CU | GD1 | ZS | RC |
720p | GD2 | CU | GD1 | ZS | RC |
1080p | GD2 | CU | GD1 | ZS | RC |
MP4 Format | LINK | LINK | LINK | LINK | LINK |
360p | GD2 | CU | GD1 | ZS | RC |
480p | GD2 | CU | GD1 | ZS | RC |
720p | GD2 | CU | GD1 | ZS | RC |
1080p | GD2 | CU | GD1 | ZS | RC |
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